Monthly Archives: May 2011

What a wonderful..long…day at the Federation for Yom Ha’ Atzmaut

What a wonderful celebration at the Federation we had! Of course, food is usually at the center of these things, and in this case I was so busy that the only picture  I got was with cell phone during prep.

Our menu included Kabobs(Mediterranean Meatballs) and what I would call a kabob in the USA, but in Israel is called Shipudim…aka..chicken on a stick!

The chicken was just boneless, skinless cutlets of chicken marinated in Pereg Chicken Rub spices, olive oil, fresh lemon juice and salt and pepper for 24 hours and then skewered and grilled.

The “kabobs” or what I would call grilled meatballs were as follows:

Mediterranean Meatballs

3 lbs ground beef

3 medium onion finely diced

9-12 cloves garlic ground in food processor

6 tablespoons fresh parsley ground in food processor

3 tsp. baking soda

2 tsp sweet paprika

1 tsp hot paprika

salt and pepper to taste

mix thoroughly and form into oval shaped patties (slider You can add a couple tablespoons of very cold water while mixing together and it makes them a little softer.

**tip**Wet hands to make patties. 

grill about 4-5 minutes each side.

yields 30-36 “meatballs”

pre grilled photo

It was a fabulous celebration to celebrate 63 years for Israel!

There was hummus, tahini, Israeli pickles, Babaganoush, Turkish Salad, Falafel, “chips” aka fries, Israeli Salad and a wonderful cabbage salad with garlic, mayo and fresh lemon juice….so good!

 We had cake…decorated by our own Yael Farber!

Limonana or Lemonade with fresh mint and blue raspberry flavored 7-up that resembled the color of the waters of Eilat, or so I am told!


Thanks so much to all of you who attended and helped me once again…”make it happen!”. Lizzie, Yael, Mary, Chaya and Karen were my sanity that day… I LOVE YOU GALS!

And to Ian Wulfsohn…who suffered over the grill for two and half hours on what of course, was the day SUMMER arrived… THANKS SO MUCH!!!

A HUGE thanks to all of you who made reservations*****APPLAUSE*****

and Happy Birthday Israel! ♥